A Vegetarian Pasta Experience

A Vegetarian Pasta Experience – Artichoke & Ricotta Ravioli
I believe, it is necessary to branch out every once in a while and to try out food that you are largely unfamiliar with
Just to cleanse the palette, to experiment, to taste new flavors and by doing so maybe even find a new favorite. In my case, I recently browsed through the pasta section of Café8.98’s menu and between the classics such as Spaghetti Bolognese or Pesto Penne, I found the Artichoke & Ricotta Ravioli. I figured it doesn’t always have to meat or fish, so why not go for something vegetarian instead?
When the plate was placed in front of me, I foolishly thought that the portion would not be enough because I was really hungry. However, I was quickly proven wrong, since it would not be the size of the meal that would eventually fill me up, but the density of it. The creamy pumpkin sauce was thick and rich in flavor while the ravioli was amply filled with exquisite ricotta cheese. I guess it is true: size, indeed, does not matter.
The chefs cleverly added a handful of rocket and a tablespoon of salsa verde to give the rather hearty meal a light and fresh layer. This delicious green sauce only consists of garlic, olive oil, and various herbs and is therefore not to be mistaken for the zestier pesto. Finally, diced aubergine and sunflower seeds rounded off this delightful vegetarian pasta experience.
The proverbial icing on the cake, though, was a parmesan cheese so fine that it instantly melted as soon as I sprinkled it over the hot ravioli.
A few pinches were enough to subtly accentuate the flavor of the ricotta cheese and the pumpkin sauce without overdoing it. The waitress in Café8.98 graciously brought me a few slices of ciabatta so that I could mop up the remains of the pumpkin sauce. If a meal is that good you don’t want to let anything go to waste.
In conclusion, the decision to step out of my culinary comfort zone was a sound one. The Artichoke & Ricotta Ravioli may have all the familiar ingredients known in the European cuisine, but it’s the composition that makes this pasta dish so fresh, new, and exceptional.